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BSMI and the Consumers Foundation Collaboratively Published Test Results of Infant Bath Tubs on the Market

  • 發布日期:2021/02/22
  • 發布單位:檢驗行政組
  • 資料點閱次數:3143
BSMI and the Consumers Foundation Collaboratively Published Test Resul.jpg ...

In order to ensure the safety of infants and children, the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection (BSMI) has already announced 14 children's products to be subject to mandatory inspection. Those 14 products are part of the 32 children's products that are of public concern. Announcements were made to add the rest of the 18 products to the scope of mandatory inspection at the end of 2020, and infant bath tub was one of them. The mandatory requirements for infant bath tubs will come into force on July 1, 2021.

The BSMI in collaboration with the Consumers Foundation performed a survey in the first half of 2020 by purchasing 10 infant bath tubs from the market to check their quality against the voluntary national standard, CNS 16025 "Child use and care articles-Infant bath tubs," and their compliance with the Commodity Labeling Act. The checks included assessment on quality, product marking/labeling and user manual. The results showed that all infant bath tubs fulfilled the requirements of quality, but did not comply with the requirements of marking and user manual. 9 of them did not meet the requirement regarding labeling in Chinese. The non-compliant parts of marking/labeling and user manual may lead to misuses or negligence of consumers, and further pose threats to the safety of users.

The BSMI urges the consumers to confirm the suitable age and instruction of use before buying and using infant bath tubs. In addition, it is important to make sure that a complete user manual is available and the basic information about the product is properly labeled in Chinese, including the manufacturer's name, phone number, address as well as date of manufacture, main materials, place of origin and warnings (such as drowning or falling) so as to protect babies from possible hazards.

The BSMI indicated that infant bath tubs are not subject to mandatory inspection yet. For those that did not meet the requirements of user manual and marking in the survey activity, the BSMI will assist the business operators in withdrawing the products and taking corrective actions. For cases that failed to meet Chinese labeling requirements, they were forwarded to the Central Region Office of the Ministry of Economic Affairs for further actions in accordance with the Commodity Labeling Act.

The BSMI reminds business operators that, after July 1, 2021, both imported and domestically-manufactured infant bath tubs have to complete the inspection procedures before they are released from the production premises or imported.The BSMI implements an annual market surveillance program to continuously monitor the safety of products on the market.In case non-compliant products are found, after the BSMI looks into the causes and makes an interview report, further actions will be taken to educate business operators and request for withdrawal of unsafe and law-violating products in accordance with relevant regulations.The BSMI protects the rights of consumers by maintaining effective pre-market control and post-market surveillance systems.

BSMI Spokesperson: Ms. Chen, Ling-Hui, Deputy Director General
Tel. (O): +886-2343-1709
Email: lh.chen@bsmi.gov.tw

Responsible Person: Ms. Chiou, Mei-Chu, Deputy Director of 2nd Division
Tel. (O): +886-2343-1763; Tel. (M): +886-933-013439
Email: judy.chiou@bsmi.gov.tw

Press Contact: Mr. Lin, Ching-Yen
Tel. (O): +886-2343-1759; Tel. (M): +886-976-425601
Email: chingyen.lin@bsmi.gov.tw
