Imported and Domestically Manufactured Goods Inspection of "Children's cots and folding cots for domestic use" Will be Implemented Starting from September 1, 2020
- 發布日期:2020/09/26
- 發布單位:檢驗行政組
- 資料點閱次數:4102

The safety of "Childrenꞌs cots and folding cots for domestic use" is extremely important to infants and toddlers, as cots are the main activity areas for them. In order to ensure that the country's future masters can grow up in a safe and secured living environment, the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection, Ministry of Economic Affairs (BSMI) has announced that "fixed side cots," "pull-down and mobile side cots," and "folding cots" are applicable commodities to be inspected from September 1, 2020, for both imported and domestically manufactured products.
According to the BSMI, the inspection methods of "fixed side cots", "pull-down and mobile side cots" and "folding cots" are conducted concurrently for the registration of product certification and type approval of batch-by-batch inspection. In order to meet the needs of the manufacturers for early application for type test, the aforementioned three items of cots commodities can be sent to a designated laboratory recognized by the BSMI for testing starting from March 1, 2020. After obtaining a qualified type test report, the manufacturers may apply for a product type approval certificate or a certificate of Registration of Product Certification from the BSMI. Since the implementation date of inspection, both imported and domestically manufactured products of the three items must complete the inspection procedures and affix the Commodity Inspection Mark before they can be sold in the domestic market.
The BSMI stated that there are a wide variety of children's products on the market, and in order to ensure a safe and secure living environment for them, as of the end of 2019, "toys", "strollers", "skateboards", "roller skates", "baby walkers", "child protection devices for cars", "pencil erasers", "children's bicycles", "high chairs for children", "children's raincoats", "bedside guardrails for children", and "clothing and its accessories for infants and children under 24 months of age or under 86 cm in height" are listed as products subject to the mandatory inspection. The BSMI said it will review the safety of products on a rolling basis and continue to plan its handling of children's products that are of concern to the community. If the product has been identified as a "highly hazardous" according to the risk assessment, it will be listed in the public notice. Consumers and retailers should pay attention to the announcement on the website of the BSMI.
The BSMI demands the manufacturers to ensure the safety of the products and the accuracy of labeling to protect the rights of consumers. Also, consumers are reminded that when purchasing "children's cots and folding cots for domestic use" and other baby products that shall be inspected, they should buy products with a "Commodity Inspection Mark" (picture attached). While using the product, please read the instructions, warnings, statements, and cautions in the "User's Manual" thoroughly and follow the instructions and warnings for each part of the operation.
The BSMI reminds consumers that a better understanding of the products they buy will ensure their safety when using the products. Consumers can visit the BSMI's website under "Commodity Safety Information Network" ( or call toll-free 0800-007123 for enquiries.
BSMI Spokesperson: Deputy Director-General Chen, Ling-Hui
Tel. (O):02-23431709
Handling Unit: Deputy Director of 2nd Division CHIU, MEI-CHU
Tel. (O): 02-23431763 Tel. (M) 0933-013439
Email: judy.chiou
Press Contact: Lin, Jing-Yen
Tel. (O):02-23431759 Tel. (M):0976-425601