Verification and inspection of legal measuring instruments
- 發布日期:2019/04/10
- 發布單位:度量衡行政組
- 資料點閱次數:9544
Verification means examination and testing of a legal measuring instrument to ensure that it complies with related metrological requirements, particularly those concerning accuracy. Inspection means examination and testing of a verified legal measuring instrument in use to ensure that it continues to comply with metrological requirements.
Measuring instruments employed for business transactions, public safety and health care purposes that are announced by the MOEA as subject to metrological control should be verified before sale or usage and should be inspected by the BSMI when they are in use. Except for a small range of measuring instruments (watt-hour meters, radar equipment for the measurement of the speed of vehicles, breath testers, evidential breath analyzers, sound level meters, and etc.) of which the verification is conducted by qualified organizations commissioned by the BSMI, almost all instruments are verified and inspected by the BSMI and its six branches. All measuring instruments that pass verification will be inscribed, sprayed, branded or lead-sealed with the logo "同" and attached with a conformity sticker. A conformity certificate would be issued upon application.
To apply for verification, the applicant shall prepare an application form, and send it together with the verification fee, the legal measuring instrument and the necessary documents specified in the technical specifications for verification to the BSMI (including its six branches) or commissioned agencies.
Legal measuring instruments that must be verified include:
• Taxi Meters
• Weighing instruments
• Non-Invasive mechanical sphygmomanometers
• Volumeters
• Electricity meters
• Speedometers for law enforcement
• Sound level meters for official inspection
• Concentration meters
• Illuminance meters for official inspection
• Electrical thermometers
Regulations Governing Verification and Inspection of Measuring Instrument
With a view to further facilitating trade, the Regulations Governing Manufacturers' Self-verification of Measuring Instruments was promulgated in August 2003, which allows manufacturers that meet certain criteria to conduct verification by themselves. The criteria include a valid ISO 9001 (CNS 126891) certification, the use of accredited testing laboratories and the employment of certified metrology engineers or technicians to conduct verification.
Regulations Governing Self-verification Conducted by Measuring Instrument Enterprises