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BSMI and Department of Consumer Protection, Executive Yuan, Jointly Released Test Results of Automatic Coffee Machines

  • 發布日期:2022/12/08
  • 發布單位:檢驗行政組
  • 資料點閱次數:2378
BSMI and Department of Consumer Protection, Executive Yuan, Jointly Re.jpg ...

The growth of coffee-loving population in Taiwan is quite impressive. A survey done by Leader Campus and Go Survey in 2021 showed that 65% of the respondents had coffee as their daily drinks and 65% of them had coffee at home. As the pandemic boosted sales of automatic coffee machines to meet such demands, the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection (BSMI) in collaboration with the Department of Consumer Protection, Executive Yuan, initiated a project to monitor the safety of automatic coffee machines, which are subject to regulatory control and are required to comply with national standards in aspects of safety, EMC and hazardous substances labeling.

The test results of 12 automatic coffee machines randomly purchased from physical stores and on-line shopping platforms were released, which included information on their performance for safety-related aspects (protection against access to live parts, heating, leakage current and electric strength, abnormal operation, construction and EMC), comparison of key components and labeling checks. The results showed that only 1 product was determined to be non-compliant due to the incomplete labeling of the Commodity Inspection Mark (missing the roman letter "R" in the code). The responsible person will be notified to take corrective actions within a specified time limit (Article 59 of the Commodity Inspection Act). A fine of not less than NTD 100,000 and not more than NTD 1,000,000 will be imposed, if corrective actions are not completed before the time limit.

The BSMI indicated that automatic coffee machines are not allowed to be released from production premises or imported before they are certified. The BSMI implements an annual market surveillance program to continuously monitor the safety of products on the market. In case noncompliant products are found, the BSMI looks into the causes, makes an interview report and takes actions in accordance with relevant regulations.

The BSMI urges companies to ensure the safety of products and correctness of labeling so as to protect consumers' right and safety. On the other hand, consumers should only buy products that are labeled with the Commodity Inspection Mark.

Responsible Division: 3rd Division
Contact Person: Chen, Cheng-Chang, Deputy Director,
Tel. (O): +886-2343-1905
Email: chang.chen@bsmi.gov.tw
