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Bureau of Standards, Metrology & Inspection, M.O.E.A., R.O.C. LOGO

引領產業發展 保護消費權益



Overview of Voluntary Testing Services

  • Date:2022/04/26
  • Hits:8159

Contracted Inspection

The service of contracted inspection is made available to buyers or sellers who wish to have a commodity inspected and certified against the specifications of a contract. Contracted inspection is available for all product types. It is conducted upon the request of a buyer, seller, or any other person who requires the quality of a commodity to be verified.

Sellers apply for a contracted inspection by submitting a purchase order, a letter of credit and other relevant documents to a local inspection agency. If the scope of the contracted inspection is not clearly specified, the inspection agency may suggest appropriate specifications. The inspection will not be performed unless the applicant agrees to the proposed specifications.

Based on the properties of the commodity, contracted inspection is conducted in one of the following way:
1.Inspecting samples of finished products.
2.Inspection of the production process, including reviewing the production plan, examining raw materials and in-process products, and checking relevant records.

Commissioned Tests

In order to facilitating the quality improvement of commodities and the development of industry, the BSMI provides technical services to both organizations and business sectors. This Bureau conducts quality analysis/performance testing on the commissioned articles. The test reports thus issued serve as a reference towards improving the quality of their products and the operation of their businesses.

Scope of Services

1.Testing / inspection of food, feed, and products of agriculture, livestock and aquaculture.
2.Testing and inspection of chemical products.
3.Testing of chemical engineering products on their physical and chemical properties.
4.Testing of construction materials and ferrous steels on their physical and chemical properties.
5.Testing of mechanical and electrical engineering products on their physical properties and life.
6.Calibration on mechanical and electrical measuring instruments.
7.Education and Training.
8.Other technical services.

Testing Capabilities

The scope of services under the current BSMI testing capabilities includes:
1. To conduct quality analysis/performance testing of commissioned articles, and issue the test reports.
2. To evaluate the testing methods for mandatory inspection and those for purposes of revising national standards.
3. To set up the capability of conducting commodity failure mode analysis.
4. To conduct post-market surveillance activities, such as check/inspection of commodities placed on the market through sampling/purchasing and investigation on violations.
5. To implement annual monitoring plans for products covered by mandatory inspection and contracted inspection.
6. To establish new inspection capabilities conduct research projects and deliver training sessions for technicians and seminars on inspection techniques.
7. To host or participate in "proficiency comparison tests" between laboratories, in fields of physics and chemistry.
