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Bureau of Standards, Metrology & Inspection, M.O.E.A., R.O.C. LOGO

引領產業發展 保護消費權益



BSMI and the Consumers' Foundation Jointly Released Test Results of Fuel Paste

  • Date:2022/07/20
  • Hits:2553
BSMI and the Consumers' Foundation Jointly Released Test Results of Fuel Paste

The Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection (BSMI) in collaboration with the Consumers' Foundation released the test results of 10 products of fuel paste randomly purchased from the market in 2021 to check their safety and labeling. CNS 8523, "Method of Test for Methanol in Preparations Containing Methanol" was used for testing the main ingredients contained in the paste and the results were used to verify the labeling of the product. In addition, Chinese labeling was checked to make sure that the requirements stated in the "Commodity Labeling Act" were met. The results showed that 4 products did not comply with the labeling requirements.

The BSMI indicated that fuel paste is not a regulated product under its jurisdiction, but it is required to comply with the "Commodity Labeling Act." Fuel paste is commonly used by restaurants to keep the dish warm or boiled. Incidents were reported about burn injuries of consumers due to improper use of fuel paste or failure to see the flame when refueling the device. The Ministry of Economic Affairs adopted an additional requirement for fuel paste in June 1, 2019. The product must bear the warning of "Please change the container directly to refuel the paste to avoid fire hazard" or similar wording.

The BSMI said that the labeling of name, information and main ingredients of the 4 non-compliant products did not match the test results. Those products also lacked information on the manufacturing date, expiry date or validity period, country of origin and warnings.

The BSMI emphasized that the main ingredients of the 10 products were methanol, which is an organic compound with no color and mainly used industrially as solvent. Methanol is not classified as hazardous substance by the Environmental Protection Administration. Sources of the hazard may be exposure to methanol by inhaling, skin contact or ingestion. Methanol is highly flammable, and it releases CO2 and water after complete combustion in the air. Users should avoid using fuel paste in an enclosed space or a space with poor ventilation.

The BSMI urged business operators to protect consumers' rights by ensuring correct labeling of fuel paste. It also reminded consumers to check completeness of the labeling, in particular the main ingredients (better a less hazardous one), and read carefully the information on the usage, user instructions, methods of storage and the associated hazards. Fuel paste shall also be kept away from children to prevent them from being injured by the product.

Responsible Division: 2nd Division
Contact Person: Cheng, Ching-Hong, Deputy Director
Tel. (O): +886-2343-1763
Email: ch.cheng@bsmi.gov.tw
