Press Releases
Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection (BSMI) and Consumers' Foundation, Chinese Taipei (CFCT) announce inspection results of toy for wooden block

To ensure the quality and safety of toy for wooden block, the BSMI worked hand in hand with the CFCT to conduct an inspection on 10 randomly purchased toy for wooden block from domestic shopping websites in July 2019. Test results show that one sampled items failed the physical properties requirements under the quality test and alsofailed the commodity inspection mark requirements and two other sampled items the Chinese labeling requirements, respectively.
Inspection standards
The inspection was carried out according to the CNS 4794 "Safety of toys (general requirement)" requirements on physical properties (including the safety of small parts, points and edges, projections and plastic film or plastic bag in packaging) and chemical properties (including the content of eight kinds of phthalates-DEP, DMP, DEHP, DBP, BBP, DINP, DIDP and DNOP-and their compound, the dissolved concentration of migration elements-lead, cadmium, mercury, chromium, arsenic, tin, antimony and barium-and formamide in foam toys). Meanwhile, Commodity inspection mark and Chinese labeling requirements were carried out according to the Commodity Inspection Act and the inspection standards.
Inspection results
1)Quality test:
1.1 Physical properties: one sampled item (number 9) failed the test. As the product did not have a label of age recommendation and warnings, the inspection was based on the standard for toys intended for the use of children under three years of age. Test results show that the item passed small parts cylinder (diameter of 3.1cm X depth of 2.5-5.7cm) which mimic the opening and size of a child’s throat and could lead to suffocation if ingested. Thus, the item cannot be used by children under three years of age.
1.2 Chemical properties:
1.2.1 Contents of migration elements: all passed the requirements.
1.2.2 Contents of eight phthalates and their compound: all passed the requirements.
1.2.3 Contents of formamide: one sampled item made out of foam materials (number 10) pass the requirements.
2) Labeling:
2.1 Commodity inspection mark: One item (number 9) failed because it did not label a commodity inspection mark.
2.2 Chinese labeling: Three items (number 1, 2 and 9) failed because the inconformity of the label content (number 1 and 2) and lack of Chinese labeling (number 9).
Follow-up procedures
The BSMI said that products that failed the inspection will be dealt with in the following manner.
1)With regards to the item (number 9) that failed the quality test, the importer or manufacturer has been investgated and asked to pull the product off from the market. As violation of inspection was verified, the importer or manufacturer will be imposed with a fine between 250,000 NTD and 2,500,000 NTD according to Article 60-2 of the Commodity Inspection Act.
2)With regards to the item (number 9) that failed commodity inspection mark requirement, please refer to follow-up procedure 1) as it also failed other inspections.
3)With regards to the items (number 1, 2 and 9) that failed the Chinese labeling requirements, the importer or manufacturer (of number 1 and 2) will be notified to make corrections within a given time limit. Failure to do so will result in a fine between 100,000 NTD and 1,000,000 NTD according to Article 59-1 of the Commodity Inspection Act. As for number 9, please refer to follow-up procedure 1) as it also failed other inspections.
The BSMI said that toy of wooden block is subject to mandatory inspection before being sent from the factory or imported. The BSMI has an annual market inspection scheme to counter marketed products that are not complied with inspection standards. Inspectors will be dispatched to look into under qualified products, make a record and take legal actions. Consumer rights are ensured under this double-checking mechanism.
Precautions when purchasing toy of wooden block
The BSMI said that manufacturers and importers are responsible for product safety and correctness of labels. Consumers are also pleased to pay attention to the following precautions when purchasing toy of wooden block.
1)Consumers are advised to purchase toy of wooden block that comes with a Commodity inspection mark
.For further inquiries, please refer to
2)Make sure that the product comes with detailed Chinese labeling. Pay attention to the recommended age ranges, warnings and usage.
3)Choose age-appropriate toys for children to avoid unnecessary harm.
4)Do not let infants and children put toys in their mouth or chew on the toys because consumption of plasticizer, migration elements and harmful substances could cause harm to children’s health. Remind children to not forget to wash hands after playing.
5)When choosing toys, inspect the toy for quality construction, smooth exterior and loose parts. Pay attention to small parts and see if they are resistant to crushing, twisting or falling forces. Stop from use immediately if you find small parts with the aforementioned qualities, or with sharp corners, rough edges and reachable cutting edges so as to prevent children from ingestion and cuts.
6)To prevent children suffocation caused by playing with soft plastic bags or plastic packaging films, discard soft plastic packaging substances after opening and keep them from children.
The BSMI reminds consumers that more knowledge you have about the products you are purchasing means more safety you are playing. For more information, please visit the BSMI Product Safety Internet at or call the toll free number of 0800-007123.
- 編修日期:2020/02/13
- 上稿單位:檢驗行政組