National Measurement Standards Laboratories

National Measurement Standards Laboratories


National Measurement Standards Laboratories

The National Measurement Standards Laboratory (NML) was established in 1987, and soon began providing measurement services to government agencies and the private sector.

To assure traceability and global conformity, NML actively participates in the comparison programs carried out by the BIPM and regional/international metrology organizations. In 2002, we joined CGPM as an Associate and signed the global Mutual Recognition Arrangement, the calibration and measurement capabilities (CMCs) have been incorporated in BIPM's key comparison database (KCDB). It declares that NML's CMCs have gained international recognition and its availability of offering measurement service worldwide.

The national metrology standards are operated by three laboratories, which are Center for Measurement Standards / Industrial Technology Research Institute (CMS/ITRI), National Time and Frequency Standard Laboratory (NTFSL), and National Radiation Standard Laboratory (NRSL).

The whole system maintains standard measurement systems in 17 fields, and provides over 4,500 calibration services for primary and secondary laboratories. Based on the well-established national standards, extensive calibration services are made available to industry.

  • 編修日期:2024/07/10
  • 上稿單位:度量衡行政組


Latest Update: 2024年9月13日