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Access to Halal Market-A Virtual Seminar Jointly Held by BSMI and SMIIC

  • 發布日期:2021/04/29
  • 發布單位:綜合企劃組
  • 資料點閱次數:3060
Access to Halal Market-A Virtual Seminar Jointly Held by BSMI and SMII.jpg ...

Halal products have stepped into the international spotlight these years. The reason is not only the business opportunities brought by the rapid growth of Muslim populations but also the impact arisen from more market access issues raised internationally. The Standards and Metrology Institute for Islamic Countries (SMIIC) has dedicated on harmonizing the standards and certification schemes of halal products among Islamic countries, including Indonesia and Malaysia. A virtual seminar on halal was held jointly by the BSMI and SMIIC on April 27, 2021 under their Cooperation Agreement. The Secretary General, Mr. Ihsan OUVT, and Specialist, Mr. Yasin Zulfikaroglu, were invited to present on the progress and future plans of SMIIC's halal quality infrastructure (standards, certification and accreditation). The Bureau of Foreign Trade, Taiwan External Trade Development Council, Taiwan Accreditation Foundation and Commerce Development Research Institute, the backstage driving force of halal industry in Taiwan also attended this seminar.

BSMI indicated that SMIIC develops standards for Member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), which is the second largest international organization after the United Nations. Currently, SMIIC has 42 members and developed 38 OIC/SMIIC standards. Among the 38 OIC/SMIIC standards, there are 14 halal standards in areas of food (including certification of halal food and accreditation halal conformity assessment bodies), cosmetics, service places, tourism, food additives, etc. These halal standards were adopted by consensus in these two years and served as a basis for Islamic countries to develop their domestic halal certification schemes. Under the cooperation between BSMI and SMIIC, Taiwanese experts may attend the meetings of technical committees of SMIIC to know the latest information about standards development.

Taiwan Halal Center (THC) was established by Taiwan External Trade Development Council. It provides useful information and assistance for business operators who are interested in placing their products on Halal market. Detailed description of their services is available at THC's website (https://thpc.taiwantrade.com/).

BSMI Spokesperson: Chen, Ling-Hui, Deputy Director General
Tel. (O): +886-2343-1709
Email: lh.chen@bsmi.gov.tw

Responsible Person: Hung, Chuan-Hsiou, Deputy Director
Tel. (O): +886-2343-1788; Tel. (M): +886-936-037768
Email: john.hung@bsmi.gov.tw 

Press Contact: Lin, Ching-Yen
Tel. (O): +886-2343-1759; Tel. (M): +886-976-425601
Email: chingyen.lin@bsmi.gov.tw
