Copyright & Privacy Policy



Welcome to the website of the office of president(OOP website). To appease visitors' worries about using our on-line services, the following are our information safety policy:

Policy implementation:

Our privacy policy applies to activities carried out on the OOP website, such as personal information search, collection, and protection. However, it does not apply to other government websites or websites that are linked to the OOP website. All websites linked to this website, whether maintained by OOP or not, have their own privacy policies, for which OOP has no responsibility. Any action related to individual data protection should be applied to different privacy policies for each website.

Personal Data Collection and Use:

1. OOP website would not collect any personal information from those who simply browse or download from the website.

2. Personal information such as names, ID numbers, telephone numbers and addresses from those who use the website for on-line services.

3. If website visitors express their opinions or make inquiries through emails or the service mailbox, OOP will keep a record for subsequent reply.

4. The website server would record users' IP address, duration and the webpages they browse. However this information is used only for general analysis of website flow rates and Internet behavior to upgrade the service quality of OOP website. The analysis is based on all users' behavior, rather than on individual users.

5. OOP has the responsibility to protect applicants' privacy. So OOP will not revise or delete any personal information, except for the following circumstances: A.Violations against OOP website's regulations, such as vituperation, or personal insults.B.To protect personal rights or ownershipC.To protect the rights of organizations under the OOP website

6. OOP will not sell, trade, or loan any personal information to other groups, individuals or private companies, except for the following circumstances:A.To coordinate judicial investigationsB.To coordinate other investigations conducted by other authorities concernedC.Out of good will, to disclose personal information if it would serve the law, or improve the website service.

Information safety and protection:

The website's server is protected by a firewall from illegal invasion, data destruction or theft. When users use any on-line services, their personal information stored on the website will be under complete protection.Self-protection Measurements:Please keep any personal information confidential, and do not give it to any third person. For your information, any voluntary disclosure of personal information on the Internet (message board, discuss section or BBS) can possibly be collected by others.

Any questions about OOP's Privacy Protection Policy, please contact us.

  • 編修日期:2022/04/20
  • 上稿單位:標準檢驗局
更新日期: 2025年1月17日